Center Changelog: August 2023

Check out everything we were up to in August.

Read on to learn about floor prices, our new search, a collection-level metadata endpoint, collection refreshes, our API and more.

As always, reach out to if you have any questions or feedback. Happy building!

Floor prices

We shipped a new floor price endpoint this month. Builders can now use Center to retrieve real-time floor prices for NFT collections, including marketplace-level breakdowns. To learn more, check out our docs or read the announcement blog.

Comparing Center's floor prices to major marketplaces

NFT Collection Search

Retrieve collection metadata

Easily retrieve collection-level metadata (name, description, verification, media links) for any NFT collection. Check it out in our docs.

Collection metadata response API

We released a new API to help power the growth and decentralization of You can use our API to track recent trades filtered by subject or trader. Check it out in our docs or read the blog post to learn more.

Trigger metadata refresh of NFT collections

Users can now trigger metadata and media refreshes of entire collections with one API call. This makes it even easier to ensure you are showing the latest to your users. Check it out in our docs.

Predict the media you'll show before you show it

We now categorize NFT media much better -- so you can easily predict what you'll be showing in your app before you show it. Read our blog post to learn more.

NFT media response